Transition is a formal process of long-range cooperative planning that will assist students with disabilities to successfully move from school into the adult world. High quality transition planning and services will enable students with disabilities to pursue their desired postsecondary goals.

Find tips on transition to adult life on the NJ Department of Education website.
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action."
- Herbert Spencer
Information Courtesy of the NJ DOE:
The following resources are intended to assist schools, families, students, and others in understanding what to do for successful transition to happen, and how to do it. For additional assistance with transition issues, please contact Mr. Bill Freeman (
Guardianship and Alternatives Brochure (For Printing)
Person-Centered Approaches in Schools and Transition
Transition Matters Webinars
State Regulations
IEP Development Resources
CBI and Transition Curricular Resources
Self-Advocacy Resources
Keynote Speeches by Students and Adults with Disabilities on Successful Self-Advocacy and Leadership Skills
Dare to Dream Student Leadership Conferences
Planning for College (including Financial Aid information)
Drop-out Prevention Strategies
State and Federal Agency Information
National Transition Resources
Archived teleconferences